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Today's Airbus SE is the product of international consolidation in the European aerospace industry tracing back to the formation of the Airbus Industrie GIE consortium in Inthe European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company EADS NV was established. InAirbus Industrie GIE was reorganised as Airbus SASa simplified joint-stock company.
The company was given its present name in April Airbus Industrie began as a consortium of European aviation firms formed to compete with American companies such as Single laupheimMcDonnell Douglasand Lockheed.
While many European aircraft were innovative, even the most successful had small production runs. Airbus Mission Statement [8]. By the mids, several European aircraft manufacturers had drawn up competitive designs, but were aware of the risks of such a project.
For example, in Single laupheim Siddeley had advertised an "Airbus" version of the Armstrong Whitworth AW, single laupheim. per seat mile. The European industry began to accept, along with their governments, that collaboration was required to develop such an aircraft and to compete with the more powerful US manufacturers. Negotiations began over a European collaborative approach and at the Paris Air Show the major European airlines informally single laupheim their requirements for a new "Airbus" capable of transporting or more passengers over short to medium distances at a low cost.
By the partners were Sud Aviationlater Aérospatiale FranceArbeitsgemeinschaft Airbus, later Deutsche Airbus West Germany and Hawker Siddeley UK. In the two years following this agreement, both the British and French governments expressed doubts about the project. The memorandum of understanding had stated that 75 orders must be achieved by 31 July The French government threatened to withdraw from the project due to its concern over funding all of single laupheim Airbus A, Concorde and the Dassault Mercure concurrently, but was persuaded by Ziegler to maintain its support.
Thus the British company was allowed to continue as a privileged subcontractor, single laupheim. Airbus Industrie was formally established as a Groupement d'Intérêt Économique Economic Interest Group or GIE on 18 December The name "Airbus" was taken from a non-proprietary term used by the airline industry in the s to refer to a commercial aircraft of a certain size and range, as it was linguistically-acceptable to the French. Aérospatiale and Deutsche Airbus each took a In October the Spanish company CASA acquired a 4.
The Airbus A was to be the first aircraft to be developed, single laupheim, manufactured and marketed by Airbus, single laupheim.
By early single laupheim " A " label began to be applied to a proposed seat, twin engined airliner. This also confirmed Sud Aviation as the "lead company", that France and the UK would each have a The RB had also suffered difficulties and delays, since Rolls-Royce was concentrating its efforts on the development of another jet engine, the RBfor the Lockheed L [11] and Rolls-Royce entering into administration due to bankruptcy in now we had two planes that had a great deal in common as far as systems and cockpits were concerned.
Jean Roeder, chief engineer of Deutsche Airbus, speaking of the A [14]. Insingle laupheim, the A made its maiden flight ; its first production model, the AB2, entered service in The Eurocopter SA was formed inthrough the merger of the helicopter divisions of Aérospatiale and DASA. The company's heritage traces back to Blériot and Lioré single laupheim Olivier in France and to Messerschmitt and Focke-Wulf in Germany.
Aérospatiale Formed MTU München Est. Dornier Flugzeugwerke Est. Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm Est, single laupheim. Construcciones Aeronáuticas SA Est. In JuneBritish Aerospace Defence Managing Director John Weston commented "Europe is supporting three times the number of contractors on less than half the budget of the U.
As early as the German aerospace and defence company DaimlerChrysler Aerospace DASA and its British counterpart British Aerospace were said to be eager to create a transnational aerospace and defence company, single laupheim.
Merger discussions began between British Aerospace and DASA in Julyjust as French participation became more likely with the announcement that Aérospatiale was to merge with Matra and emerge with a diluted French government shareholding.
The merger of British Aerospace and MES to form BAE Systems was announced on 19 January and completed on 30 November; [36] [37] Evans stated in that his fear was that an American defence contractor would acquire MES and challenge both British Aerospace and DASA.
DASA and the Spanish aircraft company Construcciones Aeronáuticas SA agreed to merge, signing a memorandum of understanding on 11 June In January Airbus Industrie was transformed from an inherently inefficient consortium structure to a formal joint stock company, with legal and tax procedures being finalised on 11 July.
EADS took a EADS paid £84 million, however due to the lossmaking status of the company BAE invested an equal amount for "restructuring", single laupheim. In NovemberEADS announced that it single laupheim considering working with Japanese companies, and the Japanese METIto develop a hypersonic airliner intended to be a larger, faster, and quieter, single laupheim, replacement for the Concordesingle laupheim was retired in October the single laupheim year.
Six days after this process began, Airbus announced delays to the A with significant effects on the value of Airbus shares. On 2 June Rothschild valued BAE's share at £1. In MarchEADS Defence and Security Systems division was awarded an eight-year, £m contract to provide the IT infrastructure for the FiReControl project in the UK.
The retention of production and engineering assets by the partner companies in effect made Airbus Industrie a sales and marketing company. The companies collaborated on development of the Airbus range, but guarded the financial details of their own production activities and sought to maximise the transfer prices of their sub-assemblies. It was becoming clear that Airbus was no longer single laupheim temporary collaboration to produce a single plane as per its original mission statement; it had become a long-term brand for the development of further aircraft, single laupheim.
By the late s, work had single laupheim on a pair of new medium-sized aircraft, single laupheim, the biggest to be produced at this point under the Airbus name, the Airbus A and the Airbus A In the early s the then Airbus CEO Jean Pierson argued that the GIE should be abandoned and Airbus established as a conventional company, single laupheim.
Single laupheim mid a group of Airbus engineers led by Jean Roeder began working in secret on the development of an ultra-high-capacity airliner UHCAboth to complete its own range of products and to break the dominance that Boeing had enjoyed in this market segment since the early s with its In June Single laupheim began developing its own very large airliner, then designated as A3XX.
The A3XX design converged on a double-decker layout that provided more passenger volume than a traditional single-deck design. Five As were built for testing and demonstration purposes. After successfully landing three hours and 54 minutes later, single laupheim, chief test pilot Jacques Rosay said flying the A had been "like handling a bicycle".
The Airbus A was delayed in October due to the use of incompatible software used to design the aircraft. Primarily, the Toulouse assembly plant used the latest version 5 of CATIA made by Dassaultwhile the design centre at the Hamburg factory single laupheim using the older and incompatible version 4. The first aircraft delivered was to Singapore Airlines on 15 October and entered service on 25 October with an inaugural flight between Singapore and Sydney.
It was the first engineering facility to open in Europe outside the company's home countries. Equipped with state-of-the-art communications equipment and linked with Airbus engineering sites in France and Germany, the facility performs extensive work in disciplines such as fuselage structure, stress, system installation and design.
Russian engineers also performed more than half of all design work on the AF single laupheim, with its activity related to fuselage structure design, floor grids installation and junctions design. The centre currently is involved single laupheim the Aneo Sharklets design development and numerous design works for the A XWB programme, single laupheim.
firms more feasible, in both financial and political terms. Due to lengthy negotiations and disagreements over price, BAE exercised its put optionwhich saw investment bank Rothschild appointed to give an independent valuation.
In June Airbus was embroiled in significant international controversy over an announcement of further delays in the delivery of its A Allegations of insider trading on the part of Noël ForgeardCEO of EADS, its majority corporate parent, promptly followed. The loss of associated value was of grave concern to BAE, press described a single laupheim row" between BAE and EADS, with BAE believing the announcement was designed to depress the value of its share. On 2 July Rothschild valued BAE's stake single laupheim £1.
On 9 October Christian StreiffSingle laupheim successor, resigned due to differences with parent company EADS over the amount of independence he would be granted in implementing his reorganisation plan for Airbus.
On 28 FebruaryCEO Louis Gallois announced the company's restructuring plans. Entitled Power 8the plan would see 10, jobs cut over four years; 4, single laupheim, in France, 3, in Germany, 1, in the UK and in Spain.
Plants at Saint NazaireVarel and Laupheim face sell off or closure, while MeaulteNordenham and Filton are "open to investors", single laupheim. The Aneo "new engine option" model, announced in Decemberreceived orders; this, single laupheim, together with previous orders, resulted in a total of orders within six months of launch date, creating another industry record.
Final assembly of the aircraft would single laupheim place at an Airbus plant near Mobile, Alabama. The competition was restarted and in MarchNorthrop Grumman announced it was withdrawing its bid, with its CEO stating that the revised tender requirement favored Boeing.
EADS reported a million euros loss for as a result of a 1. In September it was reported that BAE and EADS were in merger discussions. In JanuaryEADS was reorganised as Airbus Group NVwith three divisions Airbus, Airbus Defence and Spaceand Airbus Helicopters. The subsidiaries Airbus Helicopters and Airbus Defence and Space became operating divisions of the same company.
We believe that we have better ideas than the rest of the world. We believe that we know because we control the technologies and platforms. The world has shown us in the car industry, the space industry and the hi-tech industry that this is not true, single laupheim.
And we need to be open to others' ideas and others' innovations," [], single laupheim. Airbus Single laupheim CEO Tom Enders stated that "The only way to do it for big companies is really to create spaces outside of the main business where we allow and where we incentivize experimentation That is what we have started to do but there is no manual It is a little bit of trial and error.
We all feel challenged by what the Internet companies are doing. Six months after launch, the Airbus Group Venture fund in Silicon Valley became fully operational in January In January Airbus announced it has signed a tentative agreement with Iran to sell Airbus aircraft along with a comprehensive civil aviation cooperation package as a part of the implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action JCPOA, single laupheim.
However, In early JulyUS House of Representatives passed amendments that would block US Department of Treasury funds from granting export licences or reexport of passenger commercial aircraft. Boeing reacted that if its deal with Iran is blocked by the US Congressall other companies that supply to its rivals should be prohibited as well.
Airbus, too, has said that it requires US's approval to export airliners to Iran, because parts of its aircraft are made in the US, single laupheim. The deal between Iran Air and Airbus was finally implemented, and the first new purchased Airbus aircraft, an A, landed in Tehran's International Mehr Abad Airport on January 12, ; Airbus stated that the delivery has been in full compliance with the JCPOA and US government Office of Foreign Assets Control licenses. On 30 June, Airbus said its airliner sales team would now report directly to Tom Enders single laupheim, Airbus Chief Executive, and by-pass Fabrice Bregierwho will lead programs, single laupheim, support and services, engineering, single laupheim, manufacturing, procurement and quality while Enders will lead sales and marketing.
On 16 October, Airbus and Bombardier Aerospace announced a partnership on the CSeries program, with Airbus acquiring a customers would benefit from a second Final Assembly Line in Mobile, Alabama.
History of Airbus - Wikipedia

· FACC also developed a sound attenuation treatment for the duct’s inner skin. In , after only 12 months of development, FACC delivered several variations of a new design for the PurePower PW engine aimed at long-range business jets, regional jets and single-aisle jetliners and looks forward to beginning serial production soon Berlin Schönefeld Airport (Flughafen Berlin-Schönefeld (help · info)) (formerly IATA: SXF, ICAO: EDDB, ETBS) was the secondary international airport of Berlin, the capital of blogger.com was located 18 km (11 mi) southeast of Berlin near the town of Schönefeld in the state of Brandenburg and bordered Berlin's southern boundary. It was the smaller of the two airports in Berlin, after Berlin · Die Diehl Stiftung & Co. KG ist ein international aufgestellter deutscher Technologiekonzern mit Stammsitz in Nürnberg. Unser weit gespanntes Produktprogramm umfasst unterschiedliche Geschäftsfelder in verschiedenen industriellen Branchen. Rund Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter arbeiten weltweit für das Traditionsunternehmen Diehl und erwirtschaften 3 Mrd Euro Jahresumsatz
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